At UES, we recognise that it can be difficult to know which ecological surveys you’ll need in order to get planning permission, and when you’ll need to do them.
Fill out our simple questionnaire below, and we’ll be able to tell you:
• Which surveys you need
• When they need to be carried out
• Whether there are any other considerations to be aware of
If you need any more information, you can read more about the different types of surveys here. Alternatively give us a call or email us, and one of our team will be happy to talk you through your specific requirements.
Does the proposed development affect any of the following? If so, an ecological survey may be needed
- Buildings
- Semi-mature / mature trees
- Priority habitats:
- Is the proposed development located within 250m of any ponds?
- Have you seen or do you know of the following protected species on site or locally:
Minimum requirement for validation of a planning application
– Bat scoping survey – can be conducted any time of year but follow-on survey work can only be done May to September
inclusive (if needed)
A breeding bird nest check is also usually conditioned as part of a planning application.
Minimum requirement for validation of a planning application
– Bat ground level and aerial tree inspection – can be conducted any time of year but follow-on survey work can only be done May to September inclusive (if needed)
A breeding bird nest check is also usually conditioned as part of a planning application.
– Waterbodies, such as rivers, streams, ponds
– Hedgerows
– Woodland
– Orchards
– Grassland
– Heathland
– Brownfield sites
Minimum requirement for validation of a planning application
– Preliminary ecological appraisal – can be conducted any time of year but follow-on survey work may have seasonal restrictions (if needed)
Minimum requirement for validation of a planning application
– Great crested newt scoping survey and impact assessment – can be conducted any time of year but follow-on survey work can only be done mid-March to mid-June (if needed)
– Bats
– Great crested newts
– Reptiles
– Badgers
– Breeding birds
Minimum requirement for validation of a planning application
– Preliminary ecological appraisal (a baseline ecological survey for a variety of protected species and habitats) – can be conducted any time of year but follow-on survey work may have seasonal restrictions (if needed)