UES were instructed to carry out an aerial tree assessment of a tree that was due to be removed at a land parcel in Wlmslow, Cheshire. The tree was highlighted as having the potential to support roosting bats based on a number of features observed from ground level.
Our tree climbers are certified to access a tree using ropes and a harness and also carry out aerial rescues, in the unlikely event that it is necessary. A ground-level assessment of a tree may highlight a number of potential roosting features that, upon closer inspection, are actually not suitable for roosting bats. We find that this is often the case as the aerial tree inspections give a more accurate assessment on the quality of the roosting feature.
In the event that a potential roosting feature is found to not be suitable for roosting bats following an aerial tree inspection, no further survey work is required with regard to bats. This is especially useful for surveys which occur outside of the bat survey season (May to September inclusive) as it avoids the need to wait until the following season to carry out presence / absence surveys. However, trees that are assessed as having suitable potential roosting features may require further surveys.
In this case, a single ash tree was climbed and assessed by a bat licensed ecologist. The tree was found to have no suitable roosting features for bats. The tree did have extensive ivy cover, which presents the opportunity for birds to nest within it. However, as the tree was also surveyed outside of the breeding bird season (March to August inclusive), there were no breeding birds present. The tree could therefore be felled without restriction with regard to bats and birds.
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