UES were approached by an ecological consultant in January 2019 to register their site for a Bat Mitigation Class Licence (BMCL). Toby Hart, UES’ Managing Director, is one of a only a few consultants in the north west to be a registered consultant with Natural England. This means that Toby has earned recognition within the sector and undertaken specialist BMCL training in order to be able to streamline the licensing process for sites containing roosts of low conservation importance.

In this case, a total of three roosts were found within a listed building in Eccleston, just south of Chester. Maintenance and repair works, including to the roof of the property, were due to take place but the roof contains two common pipistrelle roosts and a single soprano pipistrelle roost. These are the two most common species of bats in the UK, and the low numbers found roosting at this site (3 common pipistrelle and 1 soprano pipistrelle) enabled the site to be registered for a BMCL.

UES successfully registered the site for the BMCL and the works were carried out in July 2019.

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