UES recently completed an Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey of an old mill in Winchester. An Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey involves mapping the habitats on the site and informing the client of any potential issues relating to protected and invasive species. When surveying particular focus is given to the following species:

  • amphibians
  • bats
  • water vole
  • dormouse
  • badger
  • otter
  • brown hare
  • reptiles
  • birds (including Schedule 1 species)
  • white-clawed crayfish
  • invasive plant species
  • hedgerows and boundaries
  • trees
  • plant communities

UES were lucky enough to see 3 otters swimming along a nearby river when surveying. Because of the close proximity to the river UES have suggested measures that should be taken to ensure that there is no risk of contamination of the watercourse.
Appropriate planting and the provision of bird and bat boxes either fitted to the new building or on trees close by could also provide an improvement in the quality of habitat available locally.
Aerial Tree Inspections
Badger Surveys
Barn Owl Surveys
Bat and bird box fitting and advice
Bat Surveys
Breeding Bird Surveys
Crayfish Survey
European Protected Species Licensing
Great Crested Newt Surveys
Hedgerow Surveys
Phase 1 Habitat Surveys
Tree Surveys
Water Vole Survey
Affected Species
Barn Owl
Great Crested Newt
Invasive Species
Natterjack toad
Water Vole
White Clawed Crayfish