In January 2018, UES completed a Phase 1 Habitat Survey of a parcel of land in Stafford. Phase 1 Habitat Surveys involve mapping the habitats on site and informing the client of any potential ecological issues relating to protected species, habitats, or invasive species. Furthermore, design recommendations are made in order to avoid significant effects on ecological resources. Moreover, further surveys may be required and recommended if unavoidable impacts are envisaged.

For this site, a building, which contained negligible bat roosting potential and abandoned bird nests, was due to be demolished as part of the development proposals. UES recommended that the works take place outside of the breeding bird season or, if this is not possible, then a targeted nest check be carried out immediately prior to demolition to ensure the protection of breeding birds. Additionally, in order to adhere to industry best practice guidelines and minimise risk, it was recommended that the building should be assessed by a licensed bat ecologist immediately prior to demolition as a precautionary measure to ensure no bats are present within the building at the time of demolition.