Bat surveys can be undertaken in Staffordshire at most times of the year. Bats are most active in Staffordshire during the spring and summer months. Bat activity surveys can only be carried out in Staffordshire at these times of year. At other times of year it is possible to carry out bat scoping surveys of buildings, and bat scoping surveys of trees and other structures which may support roosting bats. If signs of use by bats or features which could support roosting bats are found, then it will be necessary to complete bat activity surveys during the spring or summer. In Staffordshire many bat surveys are carried out on barns and farm buildings. This is in order to gain planning permission. Barn conversions are one of the most common causes of loss of bat habitat which is why local planning authorities insist on bat surveys prior to planning permission being granted. There are several species of bat which are resident in Staffordshire. These include Noctule bat, common pipistrelle bat, soprano pipistrelle bat, Nathusius’ pipistrelle bat, Daubentons’ bat, Whiskered bat, Brandt’s’ bat. United Environmental Services use several pieces of high tech equipment to find bats during a bat survey. These include bat boxes which can detect the echolocation calls of bats and the Anabat system which detects bat echolocation calls and displays them visually on a PDA screen which makes recording of the bat calls and identification of the bat species much more accurate.

United Environmental Services carry out surveys across Staffordshire. The surveys which are carried out in Staffordshire include great crested newt surveys, bat surveys, Phase 1 habitat surveys, breeding bird surveys, water vole surveys and a full range of environmental surveys. United Environmental Services also offer landscape design and garden design services in Staffordshire and can provide the materials and implementation work if required. We have a team of experienced surveyors, landscape architects and ground workers who work to a high standard across Staffordshire.