Well it’s the third year we have monitored the ponds down here in Kings cliffe following a major trapping and relocation scheme. After the expected initial dip in the great crested newt population size following the trapping scheme the population seems to be on the way back on the up.

The ponds are developing well and increasing in vegetation cover year on year and we have just completed the fifth of six monitoring surveys which were a condition of the initial Natural England European Protected Species Licence application. Interestingly we have trapped the same female great crested newt for three years running.total we saw 25 great crested newts while torching and bottle trapped a further 14 this morning as well as over 40 other amphibians. This indicates the site has a medium population which is the same as before the start of the project.

The site has a lot of interesting wildlife, last night we saw daubentons bats, roe dear, a very young leveret and red kites, and we are looking forward to visiting again next week.