‘I knew my placement year at Harper Adams University would be valuable in creating a more focused field of study, putting the theory into practice and helping my final year of studies including my dissertation. By volunteering with United Environmental Services, I hope to create a stepping stone into the ecological consultancy field, further my species identification and help towards gaining a Great crested newt protected species licence.

I am currently studying a BSc in Countryside and Environmental Management. My student placement is at Fenn’s, Whixalland Bettisfield Mosses National Nature Reserve. I was lucky to be a part of the ‘Long Term Monitoring Project’ run by Natural England, which looked at lowland bog flora and furthered my interest into surveying.

At university, I had the opportunity to survey farmland birds, invertebrates and crop vegetation with the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council. I also volunteer with Silverdale Community Country Park and am soon to participate in invertebrate surveys.

I am looking forward to volunteering with UES during the Great crested newt survey season, which will give me invaluable experience in amphibian ecology, identification and Great crested newt survey methods.’