At UES, we produce detailed ecological design strategies (EDS) based on our in-depth knowledge of your site. Our EDSs include realistic objectives for mitigation, compensation, enhancement and restoration, GIS maps of proposed works, methods of implementation, and the persons, resources, and monitoring, needed to achieve these objectives.
We work closely with the wider design team, such as landscape architects, hydrologists and engineers, to ensure ecology is integrated within the design proposals.
Measures that we could incorporate into your ecological design strategy include:
- Retention and protection of existing habitats during construction
- Habitat removal and reinstatement
- Woodland, tree, hedgerow, shrub, wetland and wildflower planting and establishment
- Sustainable urban drainage schemes
- Green roofs and walls
- Species rescue and translocation, e.g. reptiles and amphibians
- Wildlife crossings
- Creation of new wildlife features, e.g. bespoke bat roosts, bird nesting features, artificial badger setts, and wildlife ponds
- Environmental interpretation facilities, e.g. bird hides, paths, bridges and information boards
Our EDSs follow the British Standards Institution’s code of practice for planning and development (42020:2013, section D.4.3), which requires the following:
- Objectives
- Baseline conditions, site potential and likely constraints
- Detailed designs and/or working methods in order to achieve objectives
- Extent and location of proposed works area on appropriate GIS maps and scaled drawings
- Type and source of materials to be used where appropriate, e.g. native species of local provenance, specifications of bird boxes etc
- Works programme and maintenance regime
- Persons responsible for implementing the works
- Initial aftercare and long-term maintenance
- Monitoring, contingencies and remedial measures
- Disposal of any wastes arising from works, particularly contaminated soils
Through careful planning and clear advice, we can help you to achieve your biodiversity objectives on site.