What is a badger activity survey?

You will usually be asked for a badger survey if you’ve had a preliminary ecological appraisal that has identified a sett on, or within 30m of, your site.

A badger activity survey is the next step, using infra-red surveillance cameras to check whether a sett is being used. Our specialised equipment allows us to determine how many badgers are using the sett and what type of sett it is.

Bait marking surveys can also be used to establish the territories of badger social groups. Our experienced ecologists can complete badger surveys all year round, although the optimal months are November to April inclusive.

What happens next?

If no badgers are recorded using the sett, no further survey work is needed and you’ll be able to use this report to secure planning permission.

If badgers are recorded using the sett, and the sett can’t be retained or avoided, you will need a badger exclusion or disturbance licence from Natural England, Natural Resources Wales or Scottish Natural Heritage. We can apply for the licence once you have got planning permission.

You will also usually have to submit a method statement to the Local Planning Authority as part of your planning application.

Are we the right badger surveyors for you?

At UES, our ecologists are experienced in surveying and mitigating for badgers to ensure a positive outcome for your planning application.

Our surveyors are also members of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM), who promote the highest standards of practice through a professional code of conduct and continuing professional development.

For more information on the legal protection of badgers, please click the below link:

August 2017 Commercial
Badger Survey in Worcestershire
April 2017 Commercial
Badger Scoping Survey in Accrington, Lancashire