What is an invertebrate survey?

You will usually be asked for an invertebrate survey if you’ve had a preliminary ecological appraisal that has identified habitats suitable for protected, or large numbers of, invertebrates on your site. Invertebrate surveys typically consist of one, or a combination, of the following:

  • Key aquatic invertebrate groups
  • Key terrestrial invertebrate groups
  • Surveys of protected or otherwise notable invertebrate species (e.g. white-clawed crayfish, mud snail, lesser silver water beetle, dingy skipper)

Our team is supported by experienced entomologists, who can undertake all commonly used survey techniques, including direct searching, sweep netting, vacuum sampling, pitfall trapping, malaise trapping, light trapping (for example for moths), kick sampling and water trapping.

Collected specimens are either identified in the field and released, or (more frequently) preserved for subsequent sorting and species identification using a microscope.

The optimal months for terrestrial invertebrate surveys are mid-April to August, while aquatic invertebrate surveys are March to May and September to October.

What happens next?

If no protected or notable species are recorded, and the site doesn’t support an abundant and diverse invertebrate assemblage, no further survey work is needed and you’ll be able to use this report to secure planning permission.

If protected or notable species are recorded, or the site supports a high concentration of invertebrates, you’ll usually have to submit a method statement to the Local Planning Authority as part of your planning application. Our method statements detail how you will ensure invertebrate populations will be maintained on site. This is often a case of retaining and enhancing important habitats, or providing suitable replacement habitat.

Are we the right invertebrate surveyors for you?

At UES, our ecologists are experienced in surveying and mitigating for invertebrates to ensure a positive outcome for your planning application.

Our team is also supported by experienced entomologists, who specialise in the 30,000 invertebrate species found in Great Britain.

For more information on the legal protection of invertebrates, please click the below link: