UES have completed a breeding bird survey of a site in Knutsford, Cheshire in order to meet planning conditions. A breeding bird survey involves recording bird activity that is likely to indicate breeding. Behaviour considered likely to indicate breeding includes singing, display flights, mating and courtship displays, nesting, carrying of nesting material and birds showing fidelity to a particular area of ground or vegetation.

Breeding bird surveys and vegetation searches were carried out on site. 18 species of bird were heard or seen on or local to site but no evidence of breeding birds within the site boundary was found. Wren was recorded singing on site and could possibly of been breeding. Suitable habitats would include mature trees and/or an Ivy covered wall on site.

Other species heard or seen on or local to site included Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Siskin, Cormorant, Pied wagtail, Woodpigeon, Blackbird, Robin, Goldcrest, Carrion crow, Song thrush, Jackdaw, Magpie, Blue tit, Nuthatch, Coal tit and Dunnock.